Supported Charities

   BASE Services inc.


BASE Services inc. is a Toowoomba-based, not for profit, community development organisation, that works with individuals and families in need in the Toowoomba community including men and women of all ages, from diverse cultural backgrounds who are homeless or at high risk of homelessness, ex-service people, people with health issues, people with addictions, people with behavioural issues or trauma as a result of abuse, family violence, separation, grief or loss.

BASE stands for Build-up, Accept, Support and Encourage

The BASE exist to build up, accept, support and encourage people in need
in the Toowoomba community by:

•    Providing a welcoming space where individuals can connect with other people and services
•    Providing a nutritious meal and friendly face to people in need in the Toowoomba community
•    Listening
•    Assisting individuals to meet their needs through case management, referrals and involvement with other programs the BASE Services offers
•    Advocating for the needs of people
•    Raising communities awareness of homelessness in the Toowoomba region
•    Promoting healthy choices and decision making
•    Helping individuals develop life skills, healthy relationships, coping strategies and resilience
•    Promoting reconciliation and cultural awareness
•    Partnering with other services for positive client outcomes
•    Supporting and strengthen families
•    Supporting and strengthening community
•    Providing hospitality training and employment opportunities to people experiencing homelessness and other barriers to employment

Protea Place


Protea Place Inc. is a local Toowoomba charity, established in late 2018 to assist vulnerable women in the region. Founder and CEO, Amanda Dalton, created the initiative based on over 20 years of experience in the social services sector after identifying significant gaps and the need to provide support services specific to women.


Protea Place was formed by a proactive group of local women who were passionate about creating tangible change for women in need. The foundational program of Protea Place Women’s Support Centre opened its doors in September 2019.  This was made possible by a large number of businesses, trades and providers who quickly stepped up to complete a total renovation and upgrade of the facility within just 4 weeks.

Two local construction companies teamed up to cover the rent for the first 2 years to help us get up and running.  Originally named The Toowoomba Women’s Collective Inc.  and later changed to Protea Place Inc in November 2020 to reflect the strong connection and reputation of the work of Protea Place WSC.  

2nd Shot


Everyone Deserves A 2nd Shot!


History of 2nd Shot

In 2016 BASE Services established 2nd Shot an innovative pathway, which provides hospitality training and employment opportunities to people experiencing homelessness in Toowoomba.


The Vision of 2nd Shot

To see people exit homelessness and live with a sense of dignity.


Mission of 2nd Shot

To break the cycle of homelessness through providing training and employment opportunities to people experiencing homelessness.



People experiencing homelessness are often desperate to get a job, which is hard as not only do they lack accommodation but the majority of people experiencing homelessness left school before Year 10 with no formal education and are experiencing long term unemployment.


Since 2016 2nd Shot has been providing training and employment opportunities to people experiencing homelessness, while providing the wrap-around support needed to exit homelessness and unemployment.

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Website by Wildflower House Creative Design